Jackson's Identity Management & Active Directory Reality Tour Travelblog

Jackson's comments, commiserations, confabulations and simplifications on identity management and Microsoft's Active Directory all based on his continuous "reality tour" of meetings with customers, ISVs and Microsoft.
  1. ADFS is a Four Letter Word
    ADFS = Active Directory Federation Service

    In a recent blog post over at Okta they liken ADFS to be a four letter bad word. You can read the article but for the sake of completeness here are the most relevant parts:

    Since its introduction with Windows Server 2008, Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 2.0 has been Microsoft’s answer to extending enterprise identity beyond the firewall. However, building an identity management solution with the AD FS toolkit has many hidden costs. While AD FS solves some identity challenges for Microsoft’s product family, as is typical from Microsoft, many more gaps exist when attempting to integrate with cloud or mobile applications from other vendors.

    You might be considering implementing AD FS in your company, or maybe you already have.

    For those of you